
Mitigating Liabilities

Mitigate the Risks of Emergency-Related Liabilities

emergency planning

While it is preferable to avoid building emergencies altogether, preparing for the worst case scenario is only sensible. In the event of a fire or other emergency, being prepared can give you peace of mind and keep your building occupants safe.

Our goal at WPS is to help you ensure that all the proper safety procedures are followed, and all possible actions are taken, before, during, and after an emergency ever occurs.

Additionally, with the help of our custom app and software, you can automatically create a detailed digital paper trail documenting the steps that were taken to ensure your building is adhering to its jurisdictional fire code. This in turn protects you from potential liability risks, since keeping a record of these actions is critical in the event of a legal dispute following injury or loss of life on your property.

inspecting fire alarms

Creating a Digital Document Trail

There are many ways to prepare your building staff and occupants for emergencies:

  • Outfitting your facility with proper equipment
  • Ensuring your occupants and staff know what to do in the event of an emergency
  • Practicing exit procedures
  • Providing educational documents

But, it’s not enough to just say you did what needed to be done; you need to be able to prove you did everything you could to prepare your occupants for an emergency in the building where they live or work.

WPS Software and App Helps Carry the Burden

Accurate digital documentation, or a “paper trail”, can show the actions you took and how you adequately prepared your building and its occupants for emergency scenarios.

The WPS Disaster App provides you with convenience and reliability, so that you can rest easy knowing you’ve done everything you can to protect your building’s occupants.

Benefits of the WPS Evac App include:

  • Streamlining safety protocols
  • Keeping reliable digital records
  • Operating on any smart technology
  • Providing authorities with access to records
  • Backing up on multiple secure servers
  • Retrieving and reviewing records from anywhere

Book a Free Consultation Today

Click the button below to book a free consultation with one of our life saving experts to learn how WPS can help you keep your occupants protected and reduce your liability risks.

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We offer four levels of fire and multi-hazard safety planning discounts when referring properties managed by the same company.

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Tried & true emergency plans, training & software

That reduces liability and saves lives.
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