

Emergency Response Training

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online emergency training

WPS Disaster Management Solutions offers a wide variety of emergency response training programs for building emergency personnel. Our goal is to ensure that occupants understand their roles and are prepared for any type of emergency that may occur. Our training programs are built to accommodate your building-specific fire plan, taking into consideration your fire alarm system, fire suppression equipment, exit pathways and assembly areas. Our professional and experienced trainers each possess a passion for life safety and are dedicated to protecting the well-being of every occupant during emergency situations. Our emergency response training programs are designed to be delivered Online, On-site and On-demand for three primary audiences:

Command & Operations
– Key building personnel. These personnel can include property managers, office staff, operations or facility managers, chief engineers, building operators and security.

Floor Wardens – Tenant representatives in the building. Each tenant is responsible to ensure they have an adequate number of wardens, deputy wardens and assistance monitors for persons requiring assistance.

Building Occupants – Occupants residing in or visiting the building. Occupant emergency procedural training is required in some jurisdictions under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

In addition to our core fire safety plan training programs e.g., fire threat, response, and drills, as required by code, we offer a training curriculum that includes life-threatening emergency incidents such earthquake, tornado, bomb threat, suspicious package, active shooter, civil unrest, and pandemic.

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Tried & true emergency plans, training & software

That reduces liability and saves lives.
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